HOW IS OCTOBER OVER?? It was a big month. A lot has happened. And what does it all end with? Snow flurries + sleet all day. I walked a little on Michigan Avenue a few times today on the way to and from the hospital (where a dear friend is still at while being tested for her health) and the wind! I know it's not called the Windy City because of the gusts, but it applies in that sense as well!! I think I heard that it got to 50mph? Absolutely crazy. And this is only the start...
Anyway, I've got sleep to catch up on, so here's how I did on my goals this month!
1: one self portrait (per week)
week forty | week forty-one | week forty-two | week forty-three
2: compose photos (every day)
Success! At least I'm going to consider it one. It will be very interesting when I compile all these pictures together at the end of the year...
276 | 277 | 278 | 280 | 282 | 283 | 284 | 285 | 286 | 289 | 290 | 291 | 294 | 299 | 300 | 303 | 304 - which is at the top of this post
3: read the Bible (every day)
"Not for quiet time purposes. I'm only human..." Same as last month!
4: journal (daily)
"Nope. And it doesn't bother me. I probably should do one of those "day in the life" or something, though..." Also the same as last month!
5: blog (daily)
Yup! I've mentioned this ritual to multiple people this month and they're always impressed, so that's kind of cool. I'm definitely glad I've stuck with this.
6: walk
Oh yes. Definitely not as much as some, but definitely more than I ever have before.
7: bike
Nope. I should probably attempt this at the gym...
8: 52 projects
Yes! I made progress! I definitely won't hit the 52 mark, but I'm so fine with that. I blogged a lot of these this month.
project 23 | project 24 | project 25 | project 26
9: 52 books
Well, I finished one book this month! I just need to get into a better routine - discipline! ugh!
what I read this month
10: experiment with photography
Always experimenting, but I got out of my comfort zone in particular while Jenna and Emily were here last weekend.
11: make six new meals for the family
A little difficult 900 miles away...
12: learn to play the keyboard
13: at least one photo book
Not yet!
14: travel
Once again, it's just about exploring the city.
- rl
Previous 2014 Goals Posts:
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January Update
February Update
March Update
April Update
May Update
June Update
July Update
August Update
September Update