Friday, January 31, 2014

2014 Goals Update: January


It's hard to believe January is already over! I've spent the whole month working and knitting. Not too shabby. Anyhow, here's the update on my goals for this year. 

1: one self portrait (per week)
Success! I didn't really think I would fail at this one, but it's still exciting because it's something I've never tried before. 

2: compose photos (every day)
Success! *Technically.* On the 29th I took a picture, but it wasn't technically intended for this goal, but for this post. I'm a tad upset about that, but aside from that I've taken one every day. I'm still thinking about how exactly I want to share all 365 photos, but here are the ones I've blogged about:
001 | 002 | 003 | 004 | 007 | 018 | 023 | 028 | 031 - which is at the top of this post

3: read the Bible (every day)
This was a fail. I think I did for the first few days, but not past that. For the past couple nights I've tried listening to a chapter, but I just end up falling asleep. So. I'm still working on this one. I'm all about a good routine, so I'm trying to figure one out that will help me to get the most out of my Bible reading. If you have any ideas or want to keep each other accountable, let me know. 

4: journal (daily)
I technically haven't journaled every single day, but I have all the things and information for each day, and I'm just working on getting caught up. 

5: blog (daily)
SUCCESS! I am surprised. It makes it easy, though, when I can easily just post the photo I took that day. Which may be cheating, but I don't really care. 

6: walk
Ha. Well, I haven't done that at all. You could blame that on the cold weather, but it's really just because I haven't felt like it. 

7: bike
Same as above. The weather is a reason to blame, but the time just hasn't been right. 

8: 52 projects
Good progress on this! I actually finished the fifth project tonight, but it's a matter of blocking before I will let myself consider them completed, and I will only blog about them until then. I really think this could be a possibility, especially considering that so many projects can be done in just a couple evenings. 

9: 52 books
If you read yesterday's post, you know this has not gone so well. I've already accepted the fact that I won't reach 52 books this year, but I'm ok with that.

10: experiment with photography
I haven't done too shabby on this. No time lapses or long exposures, but definitely gotten to know my tripod. 
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05

11: make six new meals for the family 
Haven't done any of these meals yet. Maybe in February. I've been pinning some ideas on Pinterest, but they're all so cheesy. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I'm just thinking that maybe all six meals shouldn't have the word "Baked Cheese" in them, ya know?

12: learn to play the keyboard
Uh, yeah, no progress. At all. Beginning to think maybe I should have just put "learn something new" for this one. 

13: at least one photo book
Also no progress. I am thinking of making a photo book at the end of the year with pictures from goals 1, 2, 8.

14: travel
No traveling this month! Which is a bummer, except that I'm dreaming of some plans for later in the year, so it's all good.

So there you have it. My month in review. It's fun to see my progress in this format. Looking forward to seeing what I get done in February! How are your new year's goals coming along?

- rl

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