Thursday, July 31, 2014

2014 Goals Update: July

A selfie with my dad on our bike ride tonight. 

July is over!! That is CRAZY. The month is definitely ending on a high note. I'm not sure I'll ever fully believe that I was accepted to my dream school (twice), but it's getting more and more real each day.

The weather today was perfect. Like 70F. In Texas. In JULY. When I went to check the mail today I knew I had to take a bike ride after dinner. I planned on going alone, but my mom hinted to my dad that she would prefer if he went with me, so he did! We went somewhere between 1-1.5 miles, stopping halfway to relax, which is when I took both the photos above. Is my dad's goatee wicked or what? It's even out of the frame!

Anyway, onto how I'm doing with my goals for this year!

1: one self portrait (per week)
week twenty-seven | week twenty-eight | week twenty-nine | week thirty

2: compose photos (every day)
Success, I think. I've gotten a little lazy with tracking it the way I did the rest of the year, but I'm determined to get it back to normal before Chicago. 
184 | 186 | 189 | 191 | 196 | 197 | 198 | 199 | 200 | 202 | 205 | 206 | 207 | 212 - which is at the top of this post

3: read the Bible (every day)
Nope. I did a little bit for a few days at the beginning of the month, but then stopped.

4: journal (daily)
Fail. I did for a little while, then got behind (as usual) and haven't gotten caught up, which is so annoying to me. 

5: blog (daily)
Success! I'm happy there's at least one thing I'm able to keep up with!

6: walk
I did take a walk the other night with the dog! Yay! I expect the walking to increase exponentially over the next few months...yay city living!!

7: bike
Success! Tonight! Like I talked about above! It was so much fun. I've seen some talk in our Moody Facebook group about bringing bikes to school, but I did some Googling and I think there are some public bikes in Chicago so I won't be bringing my own for a while unless I end up seeing the need.

8: 52 projects
Fail! Can you believe it? I have completed one project this month, but it was this project in different colors, so it didn't get it's own blog post.

9: 52 books
Success! A few less than last month, but still nine books completed! I'm definitely back into a reading slump, however. 
what I read this month

10: experiment with photography
A little bit of success. With over a year of shooting manual under my belt (I've always shot in automatic for me!) I feel better acquainted with my camera these days, I think. I've had trouble with video the whole time I've had my T3i, but I think I may have found a solution. I haven't tried it out yet, but I will soon. I finally did SOMETHING with magic hour here. Then here and up above I did some bokeh. Much hipster. Very bokeh. 

11: make six new meals for the family
Fail. Good theory, lazy girl.

12: learn to play the keyboard

13: at least one photo book

14: travel

- rl

Previous 2014 Goals Posts:
Original List
January Update
February Update
March Update
April Update
May Update
June Update

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