Monday, June 02, 2014

Trying New Things: Gluten Free Mac & Cheese

I have recently had an urging to try new things. It really started with breakfast food, which is a topic I'll blog about after I try a few more things, but it's spreading to all areas.

I've always been a picky eater. I always stick with pasta and/or chicken. I love chicken. I don't like a ton of spices and crazy variants of things, yet something has changed within me lately (maybe it's that your taste buds supposedly change every seven years?) that has me wanting to venture out a little bit. It's not an extreme thing, but just kind of a challenge I have with myself.

Saturday night we went grocery shopping, and I was picking out something for me to eat for dinner (the rest of the family had something I just do not like) and I ended up with a few different things. This gluten free macaroni and cheese was one of those things. While it was double the price of the other pastas I know I like (a whopping $1 difference! but still) I just knew I had to try it. I follow way too many gluten free bloggers to not try it. I had it tonight with my dad's hamburgers, and it was really quite good. I don't think I'll ever buy it again - because that $1 does add up! - but I'm glad I tried something different. YOLO, right?

- rl

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