Friday, August 08, 2014

19 Years


Today I turned 19, and I have a few goals for this next year that I'd like to share:
- No more buying books. 
That's right, I don't plan on buying any books for the next year. Exclusions: school books, gifts for people, or books I've wanted for a while that are under $2. (Can you tell I decided on this one a few weeks back?) I've just decided that I have more than enough books to keep me entertained for the next year, and I need to save money anyway.
- Only check social media 3 times a day. 
I've been doing this for about a week and a half now and it's not too bad. This may still sound excessive to some people, but I used to check it way more often. I doubt I'll have much time to check it once I get to school, so I've been getting used to this concept and unfollowing people whose posts I usually scrolled past anyway. Does that sound cruel? I hope not...
- Take more pictures and video. 
You may think I take a lot of pictures, but I really don't. I always hesitate to take pictures when other people are around because I don't want to make them feel awkward, so I'm hoping to relax some more in situations like that and just snap away. I won't post a picture if someone doesn't want me to, so there's not really a problem with it, right?

I think that's it. Obviously there are little things like "ACTUALLY READ MY BIBLE" and "JOURNAL", which I'll probably fail at. I guess you could say that I'm sick of putting those on my goals lists and failing each time.

I definitely do not feel 19. It feels like a short year. Don't ask me why. It's midnight and I'm tired and there are only nine days before we leave yet I haven't really packed. So there's that.

- rl

(p.s. this is part of my 14 goals for 2014. You can view all my goals here.)

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