Monday, September 08, 2014

Puente's Piñata

Tonight was all about heading up to the Dryer roof for Puente, a student group on campus. Ally and Cassidy picked me up from work (my first day at the new location! lots to learn!), just a few blocks away from school, then, after changing and chatting in the hall, we headed up to the roof. 

Puente is about, well, bridging the gap between Latin culture and the Moody bubble. Or at least that's how I look at it. We went because the president is on our floor and she used the "let's taco about it" line during the student group chapel last week...or was it two weeks ago?

Anyhow, there we were, four floors up and surrounded by people just hanging out. I'm not positive I'll be able to make it to all Puente meetings, but it's probably something I'll keep in mind. Tonight they smashed last year's mascot/piñata. We left shortly after, not really in the mood to try anymore authentic candy. We headed back to the dorm and room hopped, then stayed up too late watching hilarious YouTube videos.

Now it's time to sleep. Oh, parents? I think my phone has officially bit the dust. I'm not positive I'm receiving text there's that. TGIAAD (Thank God it's Apple announcement day) because it's definitely time for an upgrade.

- rl

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