This month consisted of a lot of working. As of right now, I'm working six days a week, which is nice financially, but it's starting to get a little exhausting. I'm young, however, so I'll survive!
1: one self portrait (per week)
Success! I'm so glad I decided to do this. You can't go wrong with having enough pictures of yourself.
week nine | week ten | week eleven | week twelve | week thirteen
2: compose photos (every day)
I actually did not take a photo one day this month! My dramatic self was quite upset. I was able to make up for it, however, so I feel a tad better about it.
062 & 063 | 065 | 066 | 067 | 069 | 070 | 073 | 074 | 077 | 080 | 081 | 084 | 086 | 087 | 090 - which is at the top of this post
3: read the Bible (every day)
Nope. I have started to go to a Bible study with my parents once a week, however, which is very deep and informative, so it will hopefully! finally! move me into this direction in April.
4: journal (daily)
Fail. Is it possible to annoyed with yourself over something? Because I think I have reached that point.
5: blog (daily)
Success! Of course, there are a few days here and there that I post it after midnight, but the time zone on here is different than the time zone I live in, so it still shows it as the day it needs to be, so I'm good with it.
6: walk
7: bike
8: 52 projects
Success! I'm three projects behind...but I'm hoping to get caught up with some small projects. I actually have two projects already done and ready to be blogged about, so I suppose I'm actually only one project behind. That feels much better than three.
project 08 | project 09 | project 10
9: 52 books
I failed this month by reading no new books. I do, however, have a few books that I think I'll get into, so I should be able to catch up.
what I read this month
10: experiment with photography
Success! There was only one time, but I was the best. Lightning, y'all!
11: make six new meals for the family
12: learn to play the keyboard
13: at least one photo book
Fail, but I started one last week! I'm in no rush to finish it, however, so I don't know how long it will take me.
14: travel
Success! Earlier this month I went to Tyler with my dad. It wasn't a vacation, but it was definitely a road trip considering nine hours of the trip was spent on the road. It was pretty fun to get out of town and see my grandpa and great aunt.
- rl
Previous 2014 Goals Posts:
Original List
January Update
February Update