Monday, September 30, 2013

Reading Material: 1 Month Down

Last month, I posted about a list of the books I want to read this next year. Even then, I decided the best way to hold myself accountable would be to make sure I blogged my progress. I thought about how often I would want to update, and decided on once a month. Yesterday marked month one, and I'm disappointed with how much I didn't read. 

So this is what I read this month. in the process of reading:
1. The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen
I have read all of Sarah Dessen's books, so I know her style. While I can't say this one was my favorite (that goes to Along for the Ride), it wasn't bad. I have to agree with some of the reviews I saw on goodreads, though: the last 20 pages were better than most of the book. I don't think I'll read this again unless I'm in a Sarah Dessen mood, which happens about one a year.
2. Love Does by Bob Goff
I saw a lot about this book. When I bought it at Target last month, the girl behind me in line even commented that she had heard a lot about it. As you can see on goodreads, I'm only 24 pages into it, but I'm loving it. I think this will be a quick read. Lots of short chapters, which makes it feel doable. I know this will be a book I'll read over and over.
3. The Host by Stephenie Meyer
I love this book. I read it for the first time in 8th grade and again in March right before the movie came out (and after I met her + two of the cast members, which you can read about here). Saturday I got the urge to read it again, but I'm not very far yet. I don't expect to speed through it, though, so it may be on this list next month as well. If you've thought about reading this or watching the movie but decided not to because the author of Twilight wrote it: do it. It really, really rocks. I promise. It's nothing like Twilight. I mean, there's a love triangle (er, square), but it's not focused on that. It's definitely a big book, but well worth the read. 

- rl

Reading Material

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