Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Banana Bread

Growing up, when someone asked me if I liked a particular food I would automatically say that I didn't, even if I hadn't ever tried it. Stupid. Since going to college, however, I have met people that have challenged me to try new things. I also realized that I feel like a total jerk for denying something I haven't even given a chance. Because of this I've tried a few odd things (mainly fish ice cream from my Alaskan bestie).

Freshman year the life group leader on our floor frequently made banana bread. At some point, I decided to try it to be nice. Honestly, I cannot remember if I liked it or not, but I obviously didn't hate it because when I saw bananas beginning to brown at home the other day, I automatically thought that I should make bread out of them. After a little bit of browsing on Pinterest, I found this recipe from Simply Recipes and decided to give it a try. Guys, it is so good. It was so, so easy and I'm enjoying cutting off some slices between meals. Here's to hoping I'm not the only one in love with it and that I can remember to keep the supplies for it in my dorm next year for all those bananas I tend to forget about.

- rl

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