Hello, friends! Whether this is your first or fiftieth time on my blog, welcome! To those returning, it's been a minute, hasn't it? I completely forgot I made that post last June, but before then it has been a while since I posted on here consistently. To those new, welcome to another corner of the internet! This was is my blog that I simply haven't touched in a while. I forget about it a lot. I consider it a lot....but honestly that's a deep hole of my theology of LIFE that I'm still processing.
Anyway, on to that post title....
One thing I've become very passionate about in the last year has been plastic-free living. It began with an event at a Patagonia store in Chicago last spring and this spring has led me to buy rice, oats, and ground flaxmeal package free from Sprouts a few weeks ago. Still lost? I'M TRYING TO REDUCE MY PLASTIC USAGE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!! I'm working on not being judgmental about those who do not feel the same (ahem, little sister...) BUT also want to provide resources for those that do, even a little bit.
All that to say, when I was recently prescribed a medication by my dermatologist I felt guilt over being responsible for the production of another piece of plastic. When I finished the dose, however, I headed over to Pinterest and looked up how to reuse pill bottles but ended up finding something much better! Matthew 25: Ministries. Their front page has a powerful quote on it: "Caring For A Needy World With The Things We Throw Away"!!!!! I love it. They accept many donations but the one that I care about most right now is pill bottles, for "inclusion in shipments of medical supplies and for shredding and recycling".
Now that I know there is a good reuse for pill bottles I want to collect however many may be tossed soon and send them in! I know I will be collecting the ones in my family (as my parents have been very supportive in this new endeavor of mine) but would also love to collect any of those of you who live close by!
If you live in or around The Colony, TX and would like to contribute to this let me know! I highly doubt I'll be sending them off anytime soon so there is plenty of time to wait for them to collect. If you wouldn't mind setting them aside until you have a few then I would be more than happy to stop by your home and send them all together. While you are more than welcome to send them on your own, it is better for the environment to reduce shipping and therefore do it so in bulk. If you would like me to send you reminders about this then I would be more than happy to do so! I plan on posting reminders as well. You could also try a sticky note or some other physical reminder near where you keep your pills to remind yourself to not toss them. If you don't live near me but also see the need in this then I would encourage you to reach out to your community of people and offer this service as well! My mom even suggested that I reach out to local nursing homes about bottles that may have and see what they do with them. There are so many options! It just takes a little effort to reduce the improper disposal of plastic.
much, much love,
rachel alexis
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