Monday, February 02, 2015

Thoughtful Gifts

This picture shows some pretty thoughtful gifts from loved ones! On top is the care package that came in the mail today from one of my managers at my store in Dallas. We had a girl's night at her house the week before I left. Jenna and I just made bookmarks, but she asked me to make a list of sewn goods for her to make for me. A few weeks later and I have a few flannel pillowcases, a set of hats and gloves, and animal crackers to enjoy! I'm not sure Diane will ever end up reading this post, but thank you!! I can't wait to learn to sew from you this summer!

In the background is the blanket Ally, my roommate, crocheted for me!! Yes, really. She started it last semester in front of me, but she told me it was a purse. I didn't think it would end up as a purse, but I didn't expect it would be for me either! She had it on my bed when I came back, and it's pretty much been here ever since. I love it so much, Ally! I'm so thankful we're roommates!

Founder's Week started here at Moody tonight. I wasn't able to go because of work, but I'm looking forward to attending as the week goes on! The part I'm looking forward to the most, however, comes Friday morning when my mom's boss, Dr. Ramesh Richard, is speaking. I've known this evangelist for the 15 years my mom has worked for him, and I'm looking forward to hearing him speak in this place I now call home. I'll be assisting at his book table after his message, which should be fun as well.

Here's to a week of sermons, knitting, and trying to get motivated to work on this New Testament Reading Report due next week!

- rl

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