The north and south views of LaSalle St.
Pictures from the day document the end of the last calendar month of my freshman year of college! Crazy, right? The day involved picking up the yearbook, which is a highlighter orange. Fun! It's weird to receive a book I had no involvement in. Talk about major high school flashbacks!
Tonight, after a team meeting for our Studying & Teaching the Bible lesson next week and dinner, I joined my friends on the floor and a few of us went up to the newly opened roof to listen to a little of tonight's Thursday Night Praise. The cold sent us in after fifteen minutes, and 45 pictures. Next up was watching Remember Me with those same friends, while knitting (Ally), going through email (Cassidy), searching for knitting patterns (me) and eating rice krispie treats (made by me, for all).
I am very excited for this weekend. An early shift at work and temperatures in the 70s!!!
- rl